Tuesday, March 3, 2009


It's only Tuesday, and yet, already, I have to say, blargh. I love this word, blargh. I use it all the time when I IM people. To me, blargh is sort of like "argh" or "rawr" or any other number of words that mean, essentially ugh.

I wasn't sure if blargh was actually a word, or a word I made up, as I am a big fan of making up words. I googled it and there is a definition for it on UrbanDictionary.com. They define blargh as: "an exclamation indicating that one has absorbed or is emitting a quantum of unhappiness". I'd say that's pretty much right.

Other words I love (some that I made up, some I didn't):

Hangry - When you are so hungry that it starts making you hostile (hence the H). People love this one whenever I tell them about it. It's pretty much what happens when you have low blood sugar.

Poopsicle - Strangely enough, I call people this as an affectionate name

Right meow - My hubby just showed me this scene from the movie Super Troopers, where this cop messes with a guy he pulled over on a speeding violation by throwing the word meow into all his sentences. So instead of saying "right now", I will be saying "right meow" whenever humanly possible.

This is a short one, so I will end this post right meow.

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