Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Soundtrack of My Life

Looking at someone's Itunes or Ipod is like looking inside their brain. I think it is SO interesting to see what kind of music people have in their collections. To a lesser extent, I used to do this with friends in college, when we'd compare and share CDs. But what has made it more interesting is that with music downloading, many people will buy (or borrow or steal) an individual song versus an album. This can reveal some funny music preferences. For example, if back in the CD days, you absolutely loved that Right Said Fred song "I'm too Sexy", you probably didn't buy the whole album (did anybody?). Itunes has made songs, as opposed to albums, more meaningful.

I thought I'd share with you some of my secrets from my Itunes:

10 songs I'd never have if I had to buy the album (and am mostly slightly embarassed to even tell you I have):
Because I got High - Afroman
I feel Pretty - West Side Story Soundtrack
Ice Ice Baby - Vanilla Ice
Round and Round - Tevin Campbell
Right Here - SWV
Tonto, Jump On It - Sugar Hill Gang
It Takes 2 - Rob Base
Stars are Blind - Paris Hilton
Two of Out 3 Aint Bad - Meatloaf
Ice Box - Omarion

5 Songs that Make Me Think of My Childhood:
Pipes of Peace - Paul McCartney (1st cassette tape I ever owned)
Still Crazy After All These Years - Paul Simon (one my parents' "songs")
Lydia, the Tattooed Lady - Muppets (from Muppet Silly Songs, my favorite tape to listen to before bed when I was little)
Take On Me - A-ha (Makes me think of my sister, as she lived for A-ha, and this songs kicks all sorts of 80's ass)
Anything by Billy Joel - (seriously, we listened to it him so much as a kid, I feel like he is my uncle or something)

5 Funny Funny Songs/Audio Clips from TV or Movies:
Fat Guy in a Little Coat - Chris Farley bit from Tommy Boy
Doodoo Pie - SNL duet from skit with Britney Spears & Tracey Morgan
Jay's Rap - From Jay & Silent Strike Back
Red Hooded Sweatshirt - Adam Sandler from SNL
Chocolate Salty Balls - Chef from South Park

5 Songs from the Soundtrack of My Life:
All I Gave - World Party (this song always needed to be on my life soundtrack, so I chose it for the music we walked to in our wedding recessional)
Michelle - The Beatles (Kissed a cute boy in college to this one)
Yer So Bad - Tommy Petty (the song of me and my sister, forever and always)
Birdhouse in Your Soul - They Might be Giants (In particular because my parents were cool enough that they took me and my sister to see them perform in Greenwich Village when I was 12 because they were one of our favorite bands. I will never forget that. Who's parents would do that? Mine! Awesome.)
Push - Sara McLachlan (the song we did our first dance to at our wedding)

5 Songs that I think give me Street Cred for Knowing because they are mildly obscure and I don't ever want to completely lose touch with what's cool (so go download them if you haven't heard of them):
You Are the One - Shiny Toy Guns
Someone Like You - Safetysuit
It Makes My Heart Break - Your Vegas
Medicine - The Animators (a band that has sadly broken up, but is wonderful. And my hubby had them help propose to me at one of their shows - so this is also a "Soundtrack of My Life" song I suppose)
Seventeen Years - Ratatat

I'd love if people commented on this one with some of their Itunes picks too, please!


  1. Why are you embarassed to have "It Takes 2" on your ipod? That is a seriously great song.

    Love the 5 songs from your childhood and from the soundtrack of your life of course.

  2. Dude, you should fill in some of yours, I've seen your itunes!

  3. hooray seventeen years! funny when i read this post last week i listened to it on the subway that morning
